Delia Stevens (percussion) & Will Pound (harmonica)

Delia Stevens (percussion) & Will Pound (harmonica)

2:30pm Tuesday 23 July

Sofas & Stuff, Fittleworth


Adults £21 (18 & under £5)

Always the setting for fascinating and intimate performances, the Fittleworth showroom of Sofas & Stuff welcomes an astonishingly talented duo featuring Delia Stevens, who many will have marvelled at when performing with the Aurora Percussion Duo at Champs Hill in 2023. Together with the harmonica phenomenon that is Will Pound they jointly reimagine some of the folk music that has inspired classical composers, their repertoire including adaptations of The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams and Holst’s St Paul’s Suite.  

This concert is generously sponsored by our Principal Corporate Sponsor, Sofas & Stuff